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One Touch Genealogy Research: How to Handle a Record Just Once

One Touch Genealogy Research: How to Handle a Record Just Once

One Touch Genealogy Research: How to Handle a Record Just Once

Summary Details

Length: 60 minutes

Summary: Do you get so excited when you find a new record for an ancestor that you forget to collect the information you need? Does that record shine and glitter so brightly that you are blinded to other vital clues you might need? Learn the “One Pass” approach to genealogy research and never get distracted again!

Participants will learn the best way to extract as much information as possible from a genealogy record on the first pass! We’ll cover how to save and name record images, how to transcribe and extract information, how to create a quick source citation, and how to make sure you can find the record in the future.

Audience Level: Beginner.

Requirements: Projection for computer on large screen; internet connection.

Content: 4 pages.


  • What is the One Pass approach to genealogy research?
  • Research Quality vs. Quickness
  • Never Again Tell Yourself “I’ll get back to that later”
  • Genealogy Record Triage: Quick Quality Research
  • Tips and Tricks for Using the One Pass method
  • Resource List

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Click HERE to have me present this topic via your group’s virtual meeting platform! Includes a 50 minute presentation, 10 minute Q&A session, PDF handout, and a recorded version of the webinar!

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