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10 Secrets You Should Know to Survive Microsoft Word

10 Secrets You Should Know to Survive Microsoft Word

10 Secrets You Should Know to Survive Microsoft Word

Summary Details

Length: 60-90 minutes (flexible)

Summary: While Microsoft Word* – part of the Microsoft Office Suite – is one of the most dynamic software programs for document creation, various features can quickly turn into frustrating annoyances. Do you have problems with headings that won’t stay put? Margins that seem to change suddenly? Spacing issues? Does text pasted from the Internet get unruly? Learn how to tame Microsoft Word and get it to work for you, not against you! Soon you’ll have no fear of creating complex documents for your family history stories, genealogy research or your business functions.

*   Microsoft Word 365 will be the version used during the webinar.

Participants will learn how to resolve some of the most annoying and frustrating problems with Microsoft Word when creating a family history narrative or any piece of writing.

Audience Level: Beginner.

Handout: 6 pages.


  • Microsoft Word – Why Is It Difficult To Use?
  • The 10 Secrets of Survival
    1. Paste special
    2. Show/Hide feature
    3. Paragraph formatting
    4. Format painter
    5. Undo/Redo feature
    6. Shortcut keys
    7. Page layout
    8. Headers and footers
    9. Styles
    10. Section Breaks
  • Added Bonus Tips
    11. Ruler
    12. Inserting Images
    13. Widows and Orphans

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Click HERE to have me present this topic via your group’s virtual meeting platform! Includes a 50 minute presentation, 10 minute Q&A session, PDF handout, and a recorded version of the webinar!

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