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Turning Genealogy Clues into Genealogy To Do’s

Turning Genealogy Clues into Genealogy To Do’s

Turning Genealogy Clues into Genealogy To Do's

Summary Details

Length: 60 minutes

Summary: Does your genealogy research get bogged down when you find new clues about an ancestor? Do you stop everything and chase after that BSO (“bright and shiny object”)? Learn how to increase your research efficiency and still remember that new information for later investigation.

Participants will learn how to identify new clues in records, document new information and tuck it away for later research. In addition, we’ll focus on building better and more efficient research habits in order to stay on track and not get distracted by new clues.

Audience Level: Beginner.

Requirements: Projection for computer on large screen; internet connection.

Content: 4 pages.


  • Losing Track of New Clues
  • Ignoring BSOs (“Bright and Shiny Objects”)
  • Genealogy To Do Lists to the Rescue
  • Case Study: Gathering New Clues from a World War I Draft Registration Card
  • Case Study: Gathering New Clues from a 1940 US Census Population Sheet
  • Tips and Tricks for Efficient Clue Gathering
  • Resource List

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Click HERE to have me present this topic via your group’s virtual meeting platform! Includes a 50 minute presentation, 10 minute Q&A session, PDF handout, and a recorded version of the webinar!

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