Welcome Genealogists!

Are some of your most important family history moments written on the back of your photos?

QromaFlip makes it easy to keep your photos & the stories they tell together forever. Capture everything written on the back of your photos to an industry standard MultiPage TIFF file, and pass along both sides of your photos to the next generation.

Subscribers of Genealogy Bargains that act before January 13th will get an exclusive 50% discount on either the iPhone or Mac version of QromaFlip.

QromaFlip for Mac

If you've already scanned your fronts & backs as separate files, use QromaFlip for Mac to easily join them together, then automatically generate photo metadata based on your voice description.

Use coupon code 'GenBar50' to get 50% off QromaFlip, or 'LaunchBundle' to get QromaFlip & QromaTag for a special bundle price.


QromaFlip for iOS

It's never been easier to create a MultiPage TIFF! QromaFlip for iPhone or iPad walks you through the entire process of scanning, cropping and tagging your special photos into this multipage format in seconds.

Purchase before January 13th to get 50% off QromaFlip for iPhone & iPad.

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We make iPhone & Mac apps to help you

Scan, Tag & Preserve your Photos


Discover how Natural Language Tagging can save you lots of typing, and make your photos searchable forever.


Learn how this innovative LightBox can help you scan & tag your photos at the highest level your iPhone is capable of.