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Genealogy Pit Stop: Research in 15 Minute Increments

Genealogy Pit Stop: Research in 15 Minute Increments

Genealogy Pit Stop: Research in 15 Minute Increments

Summary Details

Length: 60 minutes

Summary: You have 15 minutes before you need to _____________ (pick up the grandchildren / wash the dog / make dinner . . .). Is it really possible to do meaningful genealogy research in that short time period? Are you putting of researching an ancestor because you believe you need a two or three hour block of time? Learn how to use the Genealogy Pit Stop concept to succeed in the research race!

Participants will learn what race car driving teams already know: you can accomplish important, detail-oriented work in a short amount of time. You’ll learn how to leverage to-do lists, research logs, tracking systems, clue gathering tricks and more to actually do genealogy research every day! No more saving that research for when you have a large block of time . . . which never seems to happen.

Audience Level: Beginner.

Requirements: Projection for computer on large screen; internet connection.

Content: 4 pages.


  • Why the Genealogy Pit Stop concept works
  • Case Study: 15 Minute Solution to John Ralph Austin’s World War I Draft Card
  • Solid Research Tools Win the Race
  • Get In and Get Out: Triage Your Research Findings
  • Resource List

Book This Webinar NOW!

Click HERE to have me present this topic via your group’s virtual meeting platform! Includes a 50 minute presentation, 10 minute Q&A session, PDF handout, and a recorded version of the webinar!

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